I/we understand that I/we are making an application to Dobson Mitchell & Allport Pty Ltd (ACN 143 016 586) trading as Dobson Mitchell Allport (“you”) for payment to be made after services are delivered and that you can be contacted at:
Address: 59 Harrington Street, Hobart, Tasmania 7000
Phone: +61 3 6210 0000
Web: http://www.doma.com.au
For this reason I/we apply for credit to pay for services to be provided by you. I/we acknowledge your terms and conditions for providing your services to me/us are set out in your costs agreement and/or other correspondence between us which will occur if this credit application is granted.
I/we authorise you to use the information on this form to assess this application. I/we understand you can decide in your discretion whether to approve this application or not. I/we understand that information provided on this form may be used to assess my/our creditworthiness, to manage credit provided to me/us and to enforce any obligation that I/we have to pay you, whether as principal or guarantor.
I/we agree (if you provide the requested credit) to pay to you, in addition to your fees for services provided, interest on your account until full payment is received if payment is not made within 14 days of the date of your account. I/we agree that interest is to be calculated on any unpaid balance at the percentage (or maximum percentage) specified by the Reserve Bank of Australia as the Cash Rate Target plus two percentage points. I/we agree to pay to you any collection and legal costs incurred by you in the recovery of your account on a full indemnity basis.
Agreement that you may give credit information to a credit reporting body if you choose
I/we authorise you to give information about me/us to a credit reporting body for the purpose of obtaining a consumer credit report about me/us; and/or allowing the credit reporting body to create or maintain a credit information file containing information about me/us. This information may be given before, during or after the provision of credit to me/us. The credit reporting body may provide this information to other credit providers.
This information is limited to:
- my/our identity particulars, specifically name (and former names or aliases), sex, address (and previous two addresses), date of birth, name of current or last employer and drivers licence number
- this application for credit, and the amount and terms of credit
- that you are a current credit provider to me/us
- if the credit is wholly or predominantly for personal, family or household purposes, details of payments of at least $150.00 which become overdue for more than 60 days and about which I/we have been notified in accordance with the Privacy Act; and otherwise details of overdue payments
- that payments are no longer overdue
- that in your opinion I/we have committed a serious credit infringement
- that the credit provided to me/us by you has been paid or discharged.
Assessing commercial credit application
If the credit is not wholly or predominantly for personal, family or household purposes, I/we agree that you may nonetheless obtain a consumer credit report containing information about me/us for the purpose of assessing my/our application for commercial credit and information from a commercial credit reporting body and a business which provides information about the commercial credit worthiness of persons, information about my/our commercial activities or commercial credit worthiness.
Authority to disclose certain information to joint applicants
I/we understand that if you decline this credit application due to adverse information provided by a credit reporting body, then each applicant for the credit may be notified that the application has been declined wholly or partly on information derived from a credit report relating to me/us.
Authority to exchange information
I/we authorise you to exchange information about my/our credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity with those credit providers named in this application or named in a report issued by a credit reporting body. This information may be used to assess an application by me/us for credit; notify other credit providers of a default by me/us; exchange information with other credit providers about the status of this credit where I am/we are in default with other credit providers; and assess my/our credit worthiness.
Privacy policy
I/we understand that you will handle my personal information and credit information in accordance with your credit information policy, available at https://doma.com.au/credit or by contacting you. I/we understand that policy includes details on how I/we can access or correct information you hold about we/us, as well as details on how to complain about interferences with my/our privacy. I/we recognise that you currently deal with two credit reporting bodies, namely Veda (http://www.veda.com.au/) and the Tasmanian Collection Service (http://www.tascol.com.au/). I/we acknowledge that you will not normally disclose my/our personal information provided on this form or credit information to an overseas entity. I/we understand that I/we may request that a credit reporting body does not use my/our information for pre-screening for marketing purposes, and that I/we have a right to request a credit reporting body not use my/our information if I/we reasonably believe I/we am/are a victim of fraud or likely to be so. I/we have read, understand and agree to the above acknowledgements and consents and confirm that the information included in this application is complete and correct. I/we agree that I/we are also taken to have signed this form by adding my name/our names in the signature space overleaf and emailing this form to you.