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Family Law is Changing. How does this affect you?

On 6 May 2024 family law is changing. The Family Law Amendment Act 2023 set out new laws about what must be considered when determining what is in a child’s best interests but also how separated parents make decisions about long-term issues for their children (formerly known as parental responsibility). So, how will this affect you?

I already have a final parenting order:

Your existing parenting order will not automatically change on 6 May 2024. You should continue to follow your Court orders.

I am in Court at the moment, and my final hearing is starting after 6 May:

If your final hearing starts after 6 May 2024, the new changes will apply even if your proceedings started before the changes come into effect.

My former partner and I can’t agree on parenting arrangements, and I think we need to go to Court:

From 6 May 2024, these changes will apply to all new proceedings.

It is important to understand how the changes will affect your family. Speak to our team of qualified family lawyers by getting started here: